Graduation Term
Fall 2024
Degree Name
Doctor of Education (EdD)
School of Teaching and Learning
Committee Chair
Ryan Brown
Committee Member
Allison Antink-Meyer
Committee Member
Steven Mertens
Committee Member
Tyler Kybartas
This study examined the associations between physical activity and academic achievement among young adolescents. A secondary aim of this study was to analyze differences in physical activity and academic achievement by SES and race/ethnicity. The sample consisted of 30 middle school students (10 boys and 20 girls) between the ages of 11.0- and 14.9-years. Partial correlation coefficients were calculated to examine the relationship between physical activity and academic achievement while controlling for SES and race/ethnicity. 2 x 2 factorial analysis of covariance were utilized to examine the differences in SES and race/ethnicity groups, as well as interactive effects within physical activity and academic achievement. All analyses were standardized for age and sex. The results from this analysis showed no significant relationship between activity and academic achievement while controlling for covariates. There were no differences in physical activity level when stratified by SES or race/ethnicity. Significance differences were observed in academic achievement by SES and race, as well as significant interactive effects. Future studies are warranted which examine these associations while controlling for sociodemographic variables in adolescent populations.
Access Type
Dissertation-Open Access
Recommended Citation
Wolfe, Alex, "Associations between physical activity and academic achievement in young adolescents" (2024). Theses and Dissertations. 2015.