House wren birds have limited time during the year to migrate, build their nest, raise young, and prepare themselves to migrate back to their wintering grounds. Although wrens can raise up to two clut..
House wren birds have limited time during the year to migrate, build their nest, raise young, and prepare themselves to migrate back to their wintering grounds. Although wrens can raise up to two clutches of eggs per season, their ability to do so is based on the timing of their first. Some birds early in the season raise only one clutch even though they have enough time to raise another. We don’t know why. My research investigates the theory that differences in individual quality affect the production of a second clutch: only females of high quality can raise two clutches of eggs in a season. High quality individuals may be larger, more experienced, or better at acquiring food. The findings of my research have implications for understanding the future of this population. A strong influence of certain traits may reduce their ability to adjust to changes in the environment, such as climate change, outside of evolutionary change over time.
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