My study is framed by systems theory, which explores interrelations among spheres of influence surrounding children. This photo symbolizes these spheres. Each child is at the center of their own syste..
My study is framed by systems theory, which explores interrelations among spheres of influence surrounding children. This photo symbolizes these spheres. Each child is at the center of their own system. Sitting with their mother, they represent the family microsystem. To the right is a glimpse of their school, another microsystem, while DeGarmo Hall, home of the literacy tutoring program, is behind them, forming a third microsystem. Combined, they represent a mesosystem. Mom’s UHIGH t-shirt signifies the family’s multigenerational ties to the community, a key element of the exosystem. Developing strong literacy skills is important to the family and reflects the attitudes and ideologies of the local culture, representing the macrosystem. The family’s enjoyment of this shared literacy activity further represents the macrosystem. Each child is engaged in a developmentally appropriate literacy activity, representing the chronosystem, or changes over the life course. The changing leaves further symbolize change over time.