My research documents the culture at "emo" music concerts. The emo genre is a cousin to goth and punk, and lyrics often tell emotional stories about heartbreak, acceptance, and death. One of my resear..
My research documents the culture at "emo" music concerts. The emo genre is a cousin to goth and punk, and lyrics often tell emotional stories about heartbreak, acceptance, and death. One of my research goals is to document the importance of emo music to LGBTQ fans, who often encounter those themes in their own lives. The concert pictured here took place during a period when several U.S. states were voting on anti-queer bills. While waiting for the show to begin, I noted that fans around me were wearing pride pins on their hats, jackets, and bags. Near the end of the set, the singer announced that homophobia has no place at their shows. The guitarist held up his guitar in support, silhouetted against the fog that had started to fill the stage. Screams erupted from audience members, their hair glowing from the rainbow of lights shining down on them.