

Psychological contracts have been researched for over 50 years and have been used as the basis for studies in business, industry, and education. In this study, the researchers aimed to share the impact of psychological contract violations (PCV) upon individuals in educational institutions. Psychological contract literature is focused primarily on the impact of the breach on employee morale, organizational commitment, and work product. This study adds to the literature by giving voice to educators, allowing them to share their stories and provides a foundation for a more extensive research project later. Using a focus group methodology, the researcher allowed the participants to respond to questions pertaining to psychological contract breaches or violations in writing and then followed by an openended question session to give the participants the opportunity to provide additional detail. The educators who took part in the focus groups were asked if they had ever experienced a psychological contract breach related to teaching, service, or research. If they answered yes, they were asked to describe the situation. Teachers enter the profession for many reasons; however, the teachers who leave the profession before retirement often cite workplace issues as a reason for leaving. Understanding the role of PCVs have on the attrition may lead to more teachers remaining in the field, saving institutions financial resources related to the loss of teachers from the field.
