

Although most graduate schools for Speech-Language Pathology require the same core prerequisite classes, there is still variation in class requirements as well as variation in course content. Sixty-one instructors completed a survey regarding what they felt was essential course content from their prerequisite communication sciences and disorders (CSD) classes. This information was used to create a student survey that consisted of 55 multiple choice questions chosen to assess knowledge from eight typically required prerequisite courses. Students preparing to enter their first year of their master’s program were asked to take the survey. Instructors that reported teaching a course in audiology agreed the most on course content. Regarding the student survey, students performed best in the areas of audiology and anatomy and physiology. Students that had a more than two-year gap between undergraduate coursework and their graduate program start date performed significantly worse than those who had a less than two-year gap. The variables of undergraduate major, age, and type of university did not prove significant. Implications for instructors and course content are discussed.
