Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Department of English: English Studies

Committee Chair

Angela M. Haas


In May 2014, 22-year-old Elliot Rodger killed six people and injured fourteen others near

the University of California campus in Santa Barbara. A “hatred of women” was cited as the

reason for his crimes. This incident inspired the hashtag movement #YesAllWomen on social

media. Users shared examples of how although “not all men” engage in violent behaviors that

Rodger exhibited, all women go through their lives fearing. This thesis uses a technofeminist

framework to examine how the #YesAllWomen movement functioned as an online social

movement on Twitter to encourage conversation as well as promote change. I also discuss how

technical communication classrooms can implement social media movements as pedagogical

tools through a social justice framework. Ultimately, I synthesize scholarship on

technofeminism, circulation studies, and digital activist rhetorics to argue that analyzing digital

activist rhetorics in specific hashtag movements can shape how we think about social media

activism as well as how technical writing students can benefit from studying digital activism to

effectively reach their intended—and unintended—audiences.


Page Count

