Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


School of Teaching and Learning

Committee Chair

Sandra Osorio


This research considers what informs a teacher's dispositions towards his/her emergent bilingual students and in what way these dispositions influence the resources the teacher calls upon and strategies that he/she employs to teach these students. The findings for this study indicate that more positive dispositions towards their emergent bilingual students is connected to exposure to a foreign culture, attempts to learn a foreign language, experiencing teaching emergent bilingual students, and the way the teacher views his or her role as a teacher. More positive teacher dispositions were also connected to a greater use of Just Good Teaching and Linguistically Responsive Teaching strategies. Teachers drew most from personal resources. Teaching resources and strategies often overlapped and influenced one another. Findings led to the creation of a new model for considering teacher dispositions towards emergent bilingual students which is also presented. This research uses activity theory and positioning theory as the theoretical framework for this exploratory mixed methods study. Qualitative research in this study utilized case study with a strong reliance on grounded theory. For the quantitative phase of data collection, survey data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, T-tests, ANOVA, and a linear regression.


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Education Commons
