Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Psychology

Committee Chair

Susan Sprecher

Committee Member

Joel Schnieder


As computer-mediated communication (CMC) increasingly becomes a part of people's everyday lives (Mesch & Talmud, 2006), it becomes important to understand what differentiates this mode of communication from traditional face-to-face (FtF) communication. Some studies have shown that CMC interactions are related to greater liking (relative to FtF) of previously unacquainted interaction partners (McKenna, Green, & Gleason, 2002; Ramirez & Zhang, 2007), whereas others have concluded just the opposite -- that FtF interactions are related to more liking of previously unacquainted interaction partners (Mallen, Day, & Green, 2003; Okdie, Guadagno, Bernieri, Geers, & Mclarney-Vesotski, 2011). What leads to the inconsistent findings concerning the effect of communication medium on reported liking? The current research examined liking, perceived self-disclosure, perceived partner responsiveness, and state self-awareness across different communication mediums. Unacquainted pairs of participants interacted with one another in different communication mediums. Participants were instructed to "get acquainted" with one another through an unstructured 20-minute interaction. Participants were randomly assigned to interact with one another through a text-only CMC, an audio/video CMC, or a FtF communication medium. Following the interaction, participants completed measures regarding liking of their interaction partner, perceived own self-disclosure, perceived partner self-disclosure, perceived partner responsiveness, and state self-awareness. Significant multivariate results emerged; with differences in self-disclosure, responsiveness, and self-awareness based on the communication mediums with FtF and audio/video CMC scoring significantly higher than text-only CMC. These results revealed that participants reported liking their interaction partners

significantly more when interacting via FtF or audio/video CMC compared to text-only CMC. Levels of disclosure and responsiveness significantly predicted liking for one's interaction partner. Methodological and theoretical implications are discussed.


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