Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


School of Kinesiology and Recreation

Committee Chair

Justin M. Stanek


Context: When musculature around the shoulder is tight, alterations in scapular positioning may result, thus compressing the blood vessels to the upper extremity and decreasing blood flow. Graston Technique (GT) mobilizes the soft tissues to break up adhesions in fascia and lengthens tight musculature. The effect of GT has on blood flow after treatment to the shoulder musculature is unknown. Objective: To determine if GT has an effect on blood flow and pectorals minor length after a single treatment session. Design: Controlled laboratory study with randomization. Setting: University athletic training laboratory. Patients or Other Participants: Sixty healthy subjects (27 male, 33 female, age = 21.89 ± 1.83 years, height = 173.01 ± 9.26 cm, weight = 72.13 ± 12.86 kg) volunteered to participate. Interventions: Each participant attended one testing session lasting approximately 30 minutes. Participants were randomly placed into 1 of 3 groups: control, sham, or GT. Blood flow in two positions and pectoralis minor length were measured. The dominant arm was used for all participants. Each participant then performed a 5 minute warm-up on an arm bike. The warm-up was followed by the assigned intervention and pectoralis minor stretching. Main Outcome Measure(s): Pectoralis minor muscle length and blood flow in a resting and provocative overhead position were measured at baseline and after intervention. Results: No significant differences between

groups for all variables were found (p˃0.05). Conclusions: A single treatment of GT did not produce a significant increase in the blood flow in the brachial artery in the dominant arms of a healthy population. This single treatment of GT combined with a gross stretch of the pectoralis minor also did not produce a significant increase in linear length of the pectoralis minor. Key Words: Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization, manual therapy, overhead athlete, pectoralis minor length, vascular changes.


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