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Graduation Term


Document Type

Thesis-ISU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of English: English Studies

Committee Chair

Ricardo C. Cruz


This thesis is an exploration of the ability of unconventional forms of fiction to increase and complicate representation for women. By playing with form, it depicts examples of women’s perspectives, traumas, and triumphs in nuanced and complex ways. The moves made here and by other writers work as representation, but also as a collective counter-agent to the virulent, dominant narratives of constructed masculinity enforced and reinforced by our present-day Western society. The ultimate goal of this thesis is to add to the existing collective of writers who manipulate form for the sake of this resistance, as well as for the purposes of complicating, questioning, and representing, to whatever extent that is possible, the very category of woman. After identifying the influence of form, the dominant societal narratives at play, and the type of works to which I aspire, I contribute my own infectious forms of fiction.


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