Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Chemistry

Committee Chair

Marjorie A. Jones


Glial cells comprise over 70% of the central nervous system cells and exhibit diverse functions including regulation of synaptic transmission, neuron protection/repair, maintenance of neuronal metabolism, and are implicated in the development of persistent neuropathic pain. In addition, a perturbation in the concentration of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) has likewise been associated with the development of a chronic pain state. This perturbation in ROS/RNS creates an environment of oxidative stress. However, the mechanism by which the pain signal transmission is modulated, and the roles ROS play in the perpetuation of the pain state are poorly understood processes. Although treatments using electrical stimulation (ES) have been shown to be effective in providing pain relief, their mechanism of action is similarly poorly understood. Traditional explanations propose that the applied electric field is affecting a specific population of neurons; however, it has been previously demonstrated in vivo that ES of rat neuronal tissue modulates the genes expressed in the surrounding glial cells (Vallejo et al., 2016). Thus I have designed experiments to examine the potential effect of ES on ROS generation, RNS generation, and the gene expression of cultured Rattus norvegicus C6 glioma cells.


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