Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


School of Art

Committee Chair

Tyler Lotz


Projecting psychological mindscapes onto domestic objects allows for an emotive and bodily connection to the domestic realm. Body, for me, is the clay and how it holds touch and softness indexically recording the actions of making in the final forms. Pushing, pulling and pinching clay evokes sensations that connect the maker’s body as well as the observer of the work to participate. I shift expectations by experimenting between the hard and softness of bodily material like clay, giving it emotional fragility in how it contrasts the original structure it imitates. I think about creating objects and the arrangement them of them within a space as a way to create a metaphor of a person’s psyche. My thesis show is about the physical experience of participating and relating to the objects as characters in the space. Instead of defining the psychological by enclosure, I want the viewer to enter into the space as participant. To blur the lines between physical and mental space the exhibition needed to appear more subtle and sparse than excessive. Projecting emotional affects to these domestic objects allows for an emotive and bodily connection to the space that surrounds you. The domestic objects resonate with emotion as if the reverberations of the mind have influenced the space around the viewer.


Page Count


Included in

Fine Arts Commons
