Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


School of Communication

Committee Chair

John Baldwin


Using data collected from 206 participants, this country-specific study examines the relationship between media consumption and Kenya’s political culture. Political scientists and communicators contend that political culture encompasses several aspects. In this study, only four aspects of a country’s political orientations (culture) and its relationship with the media are examined (a) Political participation, (b) political trust, (c) patriotism, and (d) inter-ethnic attitudes. Drawing on past research, the study establishes a link between media use and political attitudes and behaviors of the Kenyan people, operationalized in the study as the political culture. While the literature is divided on whether the media is a mobilizing force that influences people’s political attitudes and behaviors positively or negatively, this study shows that online media consumption is negatively correlated with political interest and participation, and TV viewing is also negatively correlated with political participation. Drawings have been made on these findings as well its theoretical, methodological, and practical implications.


Page Count


Included in

Communication Commons
