Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


School of Kinesiology and Recreation

Committee Chair

Mary L. Henninger


Physical education is an essential component of the psychomotor, affective, and cognitive development of students. Teachers have used skill and game play to enhance the development of students’ personal and social responsibility. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of being pulled from physical education class for RtI services has on the personal and social development of students. The participants will be fifth-grade students from a small, mid-western, rural town, ages 10-11. Data will be collected in three different ways: a Likert scale survey, exit slips, and an informal observation checklist conducted by the researcher. The survey will analyze students opinions of physical education and how they feel if they miss class. The exit slips will analyze personal and social responsibilities they learn in physical education during a daily lesson. The informal observation will come from the researcher watching the class to see if students are demonstrating good personal and social responsibility. Data will be analyzed and compared among all three data points for support of the thesis. Findings should have implications that students who are pulled from physical education (PE) class for RtI miss out on key personal and social development and administrators should consider the support to correct scheduling conflicts between PE and RtI so students are no longer pulled from PE class.


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