Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


School of Art

Committee Chair

Michael J. Wille


My work is an attempt to synthesize painting and drawing strategies that traditionally have been used to promote political dissent. I am influenced by many artists: Jean Du buffet, Leon Golub, Carroll Dunham, Jim Nutt and Karl Wirsum, whose work has informed my imagery and thinking in relationship to my artistic production. My thesis statement will define how I operate creatively and visually, and will seek to articulate a philosophy of my painting practice. I use different painterly vocabularies, manipulate figurative elements, discover through process, challenge standardized tastes, and use historic tropes to reveal a complex allegory. My paintings are sites where my worldview is enacted materially, through these applied visual strategies. However, this dynamic operates both ways-my material engagement also alters my worldview.
