Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


School of Teaching and Learning

Committee Chair

Elizabeth A. Skinner


Success in school is something that every student tries and accomplishes in different ways, but this is not a simple matter of just demonstrating academic success. Students may have the best grades, but if they do not master the “college student” (Collier, Morgan, 2004) role, many students may not succeed. When students master this role, it will help them understand the different expectations professors may have and then will be able to apply their academic skills effectively and help them meet these expectations. This is something that many students know and understand, and this information is not passed on to them from their high school teachers or counselors but from their parents, or relatives that have 1st hand knowledge of the college student. When the student does not possess this information the chances of continuing on past high school decrease. This information I believe, can make the difference and can increase the success of Latino students no matter what school they attend. This study is significant because it aims to identify what successful practices were implemented by Latin@s within a large school district. Their personal accounts provide an understanding of what helped this small group of individuals achieved personal success and now have an opportunity to continue their education. The significance does not just have a simple effect on the district but requires a change to happen if the district is going to meet the needs of its growing Latin@ student body.


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Education Commons
