Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Department of Educational Administration and Foundations: Educational Administration

Committee Chair

Guy . Banicki


A critical factor in Skills-Based Reporting is the opportunity for students to reassess in an effort to enhance learning. In this middle school, however, few students were taking advantage of the opportunity to reassess. The study focused specifically on investigating how Skills-Based Reporting impacted student mindset and to what extent parent involvement played a role in whether students chose to reassess or not to reassess. Students and parents from this middle-school setting shared their perceptions on Skills-Based Reporting. For use in the quantitative phase of the, a student survey was administered to each student in the middle school to collect information on why they choose or do not choose to reassess. Semi-structured interviews were used to gather data from parents for the qualitative phase of this study. Findings from the study indicated that students generally believed they understood and demonstrated a Growth Mindset. Students believed it was possible for them to change their assessments score, level of effort and their ability to learn. Student participants indicated they only reassessed when they felt their score was not an accurate reflection of their learning. Sometimes, a score of a ‘2’ matched the student view of their learning and should not automatically indicate the lack of a Growth Mindset. However, results suggested students do not fully embrace the central idea that they own their learning. Parent participants reported they were the ones that more often required reassessment rather than the teachers. A parent’s high expectations are likely to result in more frequent reassessments, which does not necessarily reflect a Growth Mindset for the student.


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