Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Educational Administration and Foundations: Educational Administration

Committee Chair

Elizabeth T. Lugg


Rural students are confronted with unique challenges when considering postsecondary choices. According to McShane and Smarick (2018), scholarship on this overarching issue is limited, as it is “often shunted to specialized journals that have not been able to integrate findings into the broader education policy conversation” (p. 1). Rural students, and to a broader extent, rural education have little voice in the postsecondary pathways that have been created within higher education (Goldman, 2019). Recruitment of rural students, financial aid policy, remediation/developmental programming, state and federal postsecondary legislation have largely treated rural students in tandem with their urban and suburban peers, when research has shown many of their challenges to be fundamentally different (Tieken, 2016). This dissertation seeks to understand, through narrative historical analysis, how Illinois state higher education policy and structure, Federal higher education policy, state university purpose and state higher education legislation has helped or harmed a rural student’s ability to matriculate to a postsecondary future.


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