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Graduation Term


Document Type

Dissertation-ISU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Department of Educational Administration and Foundations: Educational Administration

Committee Chair

Beth Hatt


This qualitative study aims to examine disaggregated school discipline data and determine why there may be disproportionate numbers of discipline assigned to students of color. Through the use of an equity audit, a team (equity team) of educational stakeholders discussed emerging trends in the data presented as well as shared personal experiences and feelings as to why such disproportionate numbers may exist. Through the use of Participatory Action Research, the stakeholders did not only assist the researcher in gathering anecdotal evidence as to why disparities in discipline may exist, but also provided a context for documenting the process of utilizing an equity audit to facilitate such discussions. A small group of students also participated by sharing their feelings about the data in the equity audit which helped frame part of the discussions for the larger equity team. Skrla et al. (2004) recommends that educators in schools and districts start using equity audits to increase equity within systems. Equity traps, as defined by McKenzie & Scheurich (2004), were utilized as a conceptual framework to analyze the statements made by participants. Without a large number of examples available to current school administrators, this study aims to close that gap by providing direction for how to successfully execute an audit to address a current Problem of Practice.


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