Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


School of Communication

Committee Chair

Kevin R. Meyer


Psychological reactance theory has yet to be applied to intercultural and cross-cultural communication, at least not to a sufficient extent. This study conducted a cross-cultural examination of psychological reactance in intercultural workplace communication situations. Using the theoretical framework of psychological reactance as well as the constructs of intercultural sensitivity and tolerance for ambiguity, this study expanded applications of PRT for technological change messages in the workplace. The present study extended the previous applications of psychological reactance theory and found a significant cross-cultural variation for trait reactance. The results also revealed that tolerance for ambiguity was negatively related to trait reactance, but not related to intercultural sensitivity. Intercultural emotional sensitivity and tolerance for ambiguity both predicted intercultural state reactance. The intercultural and cross-cultural lenses of investigation extend PRT’s applications to a context of organizational change management, thus merging otherwise disparate lines of inquiry.

KEYWORDS: psychological reactance, intercultural communication, tolerance for ambiguity, intercultural sensitivity, organizational change, cross-cultural communication


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Communication Commons
