Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Department of English

Committee Chair

Julie Jung


As TPC teacher-scholars, we must acknowledge the overwhelming Whiteness of our field and the racism, ableism, and sexism inherent in our institutions. We must actively work toward inclusivity and socially just collaborations in our classrooms by encouraging dominant-identified students to confront their privileges and implicit biases in order to better engage with historically marginalized students. With that said, this thesis examines how teacher-scholars might take up a cultural-rhetorical approach to teaching TPC and how we might negotiate team contracts in PWIs. Firmly situated within the social justice turn, Herman draws from both feminist disability theory and critical race theory to build a Feminist DisCrit methodological framework. Herman then presents her pilot study on student collaboration, which examines the ways White male and non-disabled normalcies permeate the TPC classroom and impact student interactions. Extending this framework and data, Herman provides an infrastructure for TPC teacher-scholars to build team contract handouts and provides a situated example of a team contract curricular approach to encourage more socially just collaborations between dominant-identified and historically marginalized students in the classroom.


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