Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


School of Communication

Committee Chair

Phil Chidester


Serial murder is tightly woven in the foundation of American history, and as such, so has serial murder been a plotline in American media. Throughout time, there have been books, television shows, films, and podcasts that both entertain and inform media consumers about the heinous crimes committed by serial killers. Even when known for violently murdering multiple victims, serial killers have an allure that takes their status from death row inmate to a celebrity in their own right. The popularity of the serial killer genre of media calls for an analysis of the representation of serial killers in the media, along with an analysis of gratifications received from audience members after viewing. With an inductive, qualitative approach, this thesis used framing and uses and gratifications as a framework for understanding serial killer frames and audience reactions to those frames, ultimately shedding light on audience interest in serial killer-themed media content.


Page Count


Included in

Communication Commons
