Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of English

Committee Chair

Janice Neuleib


The following dissertation is a story composed of humorous and humor-related experiences, lived by me as an immigrant student and instructor. I reflect on how those experiences influenced the transformation and performance of my teaching identity and shaped my humor-based pedagogy for Composition and Introductory Linguistics courses. The work is considering the effects of humor on my linguistic and cultural competences as well as my teaching practice. Along with that, the work provides an overview of scholarship on humor in education and the ways practicing academics utilize humor in their teaching and teaching identities. To reflect on how and why I utilize humor in my teaching and identify areas of improvement, I use the method of interpretive autoethnography, which combines autobiographic and autoethnographic narratives. The narratives are relevant to the matters of performance and negotiation of identity via humorous discourse and humor as pedagogy, which incorporates my teaching style, course materials, syllabi, assignments, and assessment.


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