Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Department of Special Education

Committee Chair

Debbie Shelden


This transformative explanatory sequential mixed methods design study framed by the theories of Critical Race Theory and Community Cultural Wealth used a survey and semi-structured interviews to explore the experiences of Black administrators in PK-12 public schools in the United States. Within the first, quantitative, phase of the study participants completed a survey that collected demographic data and responses related to the six forms of cultural capital via Likert Scale style and opened ended questions. There were 65 responses, with 42 (N = 42) of the responses being complete. In the second, qualitative, phase of the study two participants were interviewed to gather data related to their experiences as Black administrators. The study found participants were able to use cultural capital to navigate barriers encountered during their attempts to create culturally responsive practices and policies. Black administrators are competent, servant leaders who are driven to persevere to create equitable experiences for Black, Indigenous and Latinx students. Professional development related to cultural competence and culturally responsive teaching practices and policies must take priority and systemic racist and biased policies that exist in public schools in the United States must be addressed. An increase in the number of Black administrators who are able to form relationships with Black, Indigenous and Latinx students based on shared lived experiences will increase the likelihood of students’ success through the implementation of culturally responsive practices and policies.


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