Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


School of Kinesiology and Recreation

Committee Chair

Kristen M Lagally


PURPOSE: The purpose was to describe barriers to being physically active based on reason for referral, gender identity, and incoming stage of change (SOC) for physical activity (PA) in university students referred to an Exercise is Medicine on Campus (EIMOC) program. METHODS: Students (21.9 +4.1 years of age) referred by university health and counseling services completed a 20-item questionnaire, which included the “Barriers to Being Active” quiz, an assessment of SOC (e.g., precontemplation), and students’ self-reported gender. Reason for referral (RFR), which was provided by a health practitioner, was categorized as Obesity, Anxiety/Depression, General PA, Unspecified or Other. RESULTS: A barrier mean score over 5 is considered an important barrier. Overall, a Lack of Willpower was the most highly rated barrier followed by Lack of Energy. A series of MANOVAs revealed non-significant differences in the set of barriers across the three grouping variables. However, follow-up ANOVAs showed that those classified as being at the Pre-preparation stage (identified as contemplation or precontemplation) were higher on Lack of Willpower relative to those at Action or Maintenance, and higher than Action on Lack of Skill. Results also showed that those identifying as male reported a higher Lack of Skill compared to those identifying as female. CONCLUSION: Identifying client barriers is essential for promoting participation and adherence to PA for EIMOC. Lack of Energy and Lack of Willpower seem to be common, important barriers regardless of gender identity, reason for referral, or SOC.KEYWORDS: Barriers, Exercise Is Medicine On Campus, Physical Activity, Students, Stage of Change, University


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Kinesiology Commons
