Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Family and Consumer Sciences

Committee Chair

Jennifer L Barnes


There is increasing evidence of athletes entering their training sessions in an already dehydrated state. It is crucial for athletes to properly replenish fluid and electrolytes lost via sweat in order to optimize their training and recovery. The purpose of this study is to assess the effect of a text-message based hydration education intervention on the knowledge and hydration status of division I female collegiate soccer players.A total of 14 participants completed baseline testing, which included hydration knowledge and behavior questionnaires, and pre- and post-practice weights to calculate % weight change (%WC). The participants also provided a baseline urine sample pre- and post-practice to assess urine specific gravity (USG). A total of 18 text messages were sent during the 6-week intervention phase, with 3 text messages sent per week. The text messages contained educational information on hydration topics. Post-questionnaires were administered after the intervention online, via Qualtrics. Post-intervention USG and weight assessments were not able to be collected due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The averages of pre-training USG (M=1.02, SD= .01) and post-training USG (M= 1.02, SD= .01), did not change from before to after a practice session. There were no significant correlations between pre- training USG and pre- total hydration knowledge scores (r= -.274, p>.05), post- training USG and pre- total knowledge scores (r= .011, p >.05), and %WC and pre- total scores (r= -.184,p>.05). Of the pre-knowledge questionnaire questions there was a significant, moderate, positive relationship between USG and the true/false question asking, ‘An athlete should consume 7-10 fl oz of water or sports drink a couple hours before exercise’ (r= 0.55, p=.04). There was a numerical increase in the total scores when comparing post questionnaire total scores (M=84.62, SD=6.05) to the pre-questionnaire total scores (M= 79.91, SD=9.55) but it did not reach statistical significance (p=0.14). This study showed that text message-based forms of communication are a feasible intervention that could show a positive improvement in both hydration status and hydration knowledge of athletes. The significance of this study is unclear, and the full impact of this intervention was unable to be determined. More research needs to be gathered on this topic. KEYWORDS: Hydration, Knowledge, Behavior, Athlete, Text intervention


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