Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Politics and Government: Political Science

Committee Chair

Noha Shawki


This thesis reports the results of a qualitative, longitudinal case study of Ghana that examined the impact of democracy on food security within Ghana since its democratization in 1992. First, the study reviews existing literature about food security, a newly-emerging concern in political science, as well as the literature on democracy and human rights. To fill the gaps in existing literature regarding the impact of democracy on food security, [and the author finds it overzealous to prove that democracy always benefits food security levels across varying states, cultures, and years] the thesis examines food security developments in Ghana, a developing democracy in southern Africa.

The study analyzes the shift in the food security status that Ghana experienced from pre-democratization (pre-1992) to post-democratization (post-1992) in order to determine whether and how democracy had a positive impact. The author studies legislation, policy implementations, literature, and data of pre- and post-democratization years. Based on these data, it appears that in the specific case of Ghana, democracy has positively impacted food security levels because of democracy's two main mechanisms: political stability and government effectiveness, and government accountability and proficiency. Since 1992, Ghana has made great strides in both democratic mechanisms and has, in turn, transformed itself from being a state that primarily focuses on improving the economy at the expense of the majority and for the benefit of the political and social elite, to a nation that prioritizes a free and nonviolent environment, having a moral and citizen-centered government grounded in equality, and the political participation of individuals and citizen organizations that work together to improve general wellbeing and food security. For Ghana, it appears that democratizing and remaining committed to democracy fostered great strides toward food security. The potential for applying these findings to other studies emerges out of the study's larger implications. Ultimately, these mechanisms can be tested in other cases to see if similar findings emerge. This then can contribute to theory development with regards to the relationship between democracy and food security.


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