Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Psychology: Clinical-Counseling Psychology

Committee Chair

Dan Lannin


The aim of this study is to better understand how to transition White students’ intentions into actions. This study proposes an integrative model based on the Health Belief Model, Theory of Planned Behavior, and the Bystander Effects model. These models serve as guides for investigating the moderators that address the intention-behavior gap to predict barriers and active participation in racial social justice movements. It was hypothesized that cues to action and perceived barriers would both moderate the relationship between intention and behavior. The present study utilized a cross-sectional non-experimental design and sampled undergraduates. Analyses examined the moderators, barriers and cues to action, in relation to the dependent variables of decisions to engage in racial social justice behavior by clicking a link for resources and previous participation in social justice. The results indicated that perceived barriers was a significant predictor of the decision to seek social justice information in the study and cues to actions predicted previous social justice behaviors. There were no statistically significant moderation effects. Intent was a significant predictor of the decision to seek social justice information for both internal and external barriers. This study has implications that can be used at the personal, collegiate, and community level. Specifically, results suggest that many students may look for environmental signals that justify taking action to promote social justice efforts.KEYWORDS: Racial Social Justice, Intentions, Bystander Effect, Health Belief Model, Action


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