Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Department of English

Committee Chair

Paul Ugor


This thesis explores the socio-cultural aspects of two geo-political zones in Honduras; its northeast coastal areas, focusing on the Afro-Indigenous Garífuna women, and its mainland, focusing on Indigenous/mestizo women. These two areas will be explored as they pertain to themes of gender and ecology. This will be accomplished by pulling from Neelam Jabeen’s Postcolonial-Ecofeminist lens. Through this lens, the focus of my research lies within the geopolitical zones of both coastal and mainland Honduras. The focus is placed on the relationship of women and the environments that surround them, which are placed in danger by neoliberal structures both domestically and internationally. The objective of this thesis is to understand the ways in which women are resisting these neoliberal structures and theorize that such a process of resistance can serve as a praxis of decoloniality. While looking more in-depth at women’s interrelation with nature, this thesis extrapolates how each individual relationship is one of complexity, as women’s dependency on nature doesn’t necessarily endear them to it. Despite this dependence, exploration of the ways in which women may be inclined to nature, either through their spirituality or their confidence and leniency towards it, especially as it is seen to provide healing and restoration via homeopathic treatment for women and their kin. Through this exploration of such correlations, this thesis seeks to examine the ways in which Honduran women are motivated to protect and defend the natural environment around them. Thus, the project examines gender dynamics in relation to women’s ownership and use of land in Honduras. It analyzes the ways in which women tend and care for the land as they count on it in some cases for survival, in addition to the profound spiritual, cultural and ancestral significance to them.


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