Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Music (MM)


School of Music

Committee Chair

Andrea Crimmins


Background: With the current COVID-19 pandemic, nursing homes/assisted living facilities have had to lock down their residents from the outside world. With the introduction of telehealth, music therapists are looking at how music therapy can still be offered to elderly populations to keep them safe during this stressful time. Purpose: The purpose of this research is to explore if music therapy through telehealth can be an effective tool in providing sessions to those diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in nursing homes/assisted living facilities to address goals related to quality of life and overall mood. Method: This study consisted of three individuals, between the ages of 90 and 96 years old, diagnosed with early to middle stage Alzheimer’s disease. Participants took part in three 20-minute individual telehealth music therapy sessions over the span of one week. Results: No statistical significance was found with mood ratings (p=0.23; SD=2.32), but an increase in scores was found when pre- and post-test scores were compared with each client. Two clients stated they would participate in telehealth sessions again (n=2, 66.7%) and one client said maybe (n=1; 33.3%). Conclusion: While more research is needed to come to a significant conclusion, from the research that was conducted, the researcher observed strengths and areas of improvement for music therapy facilitated through telehealth with those diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.


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