Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of English

Committee Chair

Roberta Seelinger Trites


In this dissertation, I explore the ways in which childhood is represented in three Korean American narratives for youths: An Na’s the Fold, Lyla Lee I’ll Be the One, and Tae Keller’s When You Trap a Tiger to theorize the concept of Otherhood, that is, a childhood in which the experience of being Othered is fundamental to a young person’s evolving identity formation and sense of power. I analyze how one’s identity makes a profound impact on their process of growth while their ontological awareness, sense of community, and heritage contribute to their empowerment as an Other. Following this analysis, I apply my understanding of Otherhood to teaching and examine the ways in which diverse literature for youth has mediated my teaching practices and theorize a pedagogical framework to build a safer and more equitable learning environment where students can learn about social justice issues and work toward creating a change in our culture.


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