Graduation Term

Fall 2024

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Department of Special Education

Committee Chair

Allison Kroesch

Committee Member

Jeongae Kang

Committee Member

Kim Fisher


This dissertation examined student perceptions about the impact of their math class on their learning and compared these perceptions across co-taught and single taught classrooms and IEP status of students. Student perceptions across groups indicated some differences. Of significance is students with IEPs in co-taught environments shared less favorable comments regarding their learning and reported learning more previously in their single-taught classrooms. End of course exam scores and PSAT scores were also compared and a significant difference between the ends of course assessment scores for non-IEP students within the single taught classroom and IEP students within the co-taught classroom was identified and students in the single taught classroom outperformed IEP students in the co-taught classroom. The results of this study contribute to the contradictory evidence supporting co-teaching.

Access Type

Thesis-Open Access
