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Graduation Term
Fall 2024
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Department of Educational Administration and Foundations: Educational Administration
Committee Chair
Dr. Gavin Weiser
Committee Member
Dr. Blanca Miller
Committee Member
Dr. Dianne Renn
Increasing diversity within the nursing profession is essential in decreasing healthcare disparities based on race and ethnicity in the healthcare system. To increase diversity in the profession, nursing programs need to alter the admission process to increase opportunities for students of color and lower socioeconomic status. Creating a diverse student body will benefit students of all races exposing them to different values and cultures aiding in culturally competent patient care. One method identified to increase diversity within the admission process is utilizing holistic admission review. Research supports this method for increasing diversity, however there is insufficient data on knowledge, perceptions, and the role faculty will play in the implementation process. There are also limited guidelines or standards of practice to assist institutions. This dissertation utilized participant action research to discover the progression of knowledge and perceptions on holistic admissions, cultural responsiveness related to increasing diversity on campus, and the role faculty will have in a holistic admission review process. This study also aided in the creation of guidelines to implementation for a bachelor’s degree nursing program. The findings provide new insight on the impact holistic admissions will have on campus culture, the role faculty will play in the process, and the development of guidelines. The information gained from this study will aid in providing strategies for nursing programs to successfully implement a holistic admission review process and assist in creating a culturally responsive campus.
Access Type
Dissertation-ISU Access Only
Recommended Citation
Schmidt, Amber, "A Nursing Program's Journey Through Implementation of Holistic Admissions" (2024). Theses and Dissertations. 2028.