Graduation Term


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of English

Committee Chair

K. Aaron Smith


Elements is a dissertation that presents my work as an out-of-the-Academy conceptual writer that loves teaching even though I won’t ever teach again. The dissertation includes a critical introduction, “Do You Actually Want to See This?” that seeks to examine conceptual poetry in the light of Sianne Ngai’s stuplimity and Antonin Artaud and Bertolt Brecht’s performance theories so that we may rethink conceptual poetry’s effect on the audience when it is performed. The creative manuscript, “Elements,” is the result of a process stolen from Raymond Queneau to be used on David Hilbert’s The Foundations of Geometry but is instead redirected at Euclid’s Elements. The pedagogy essay “What Are We Even Doing Here?” lays out my views on the teaching profession through experiences and reflection now that I’ve left the Academy and how I would teach my own course should I ever be welcomed back.

Access Type

Dissertation-Open Access

