Graduation Term


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Department of Educational Administration and Foundations: Educational Administration

Committee Chair

Neil E. Sappington


The purpose of this study was to describe the factors perceived relevant to high school administrators in selecting cooperating teachers in English, math, and science. Qualitative research techniques were used; themes from the data were organized by the research questions and analyzed through the conceptual framework of Charlotte Danielson's Framework for Effective Teaching. This study included semi-structured interview probes and two activity components.

All five participants were complimentary of their school's cooperating teacher selection process and identified several traits and factors as important in selecting cooperating teachers: commitment to professional development and continuous learning, enthusiasm for teaching, varied but not advanced placement teaching assignments, several years of experience, and match of personal preferences and interests of the cooperating teacher and student teacher. A strong teacher evaluation rating also was mentioned as valuable, but little detailed evidence during the interviews confirmed this assertion. When identifying important traits from the specific elements provided from Danielson's Framework for Effective Teaching, participants most often selected the use of formative and summative assessment to guide instruction and reflection on teaching practices as preferred traits. The traits identified as most important were not consistently expressed in the interview probe responses and the activity components, suggesting traits verbalized as important were not necessarily applied as important in the cooperating teacher selection process.

The findings of this study provide important implications for school administrators and university partners in specifically determining the qualifications for cooperating teachers and evaluating the effectiveness of cooperating teachers.

Access Type

Dissertation-Open Access

