Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Department of Educational Administration and Foundations: Educational Administration

Committee Chair

Linda Lyman


Researchers articulate the positive effects of parental engagement with education. Networking with parents has become a recent focus for educational leaders working to enhance learning. With parent presence diminishing within secondary schools and emphasis on formative assessments rising, this study examined the possibility of family support to supplement the Assessment for Learning (A4L) reform implementation. Using an action research framework, four research questions were addressed. These included what attracts parents to support Assessment for Learning (A4L) reforms at the high school level, the value parents place on assessment reform, and what affects parent perceptions and influences their support of the assessment reform initiative. The fourth question inquired into how educational leaders can sustain home/school collaboration during the reform process. The three interlocking and overarching themes that emerged through analysis of the focus group data and surveys were Effort, Closing Gaps, and Fair Ranking. Subthemes for implementing A4L at the high school level highlight a process that (a) must encourage students' metacognitive and persistent effort as well as students taking responsibility for learning; (b) must encourage closing gaps identified in

engagement, feedback, analysis, assessment, and culture; and (c) must incorporate discussions on fair ranking. The conclusion of the study offers recommendations for educational leaders desiring to make the collaboration between home and school a reality at the high school level.


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