Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Family and Consumer Sciences

Committee Chair

Connie Dyar


Empowering women is the aim of the research. Saudi Arabia is the research location and interior design is the subject of the investigation. Saudi Arabia is on the path of empowering women through education and facilitating job opportunities. There is vast research about entrepreneurship and obstacles that women face in Saudi Arabia, but there is no evidence of research on the interior design field in Saudi Arabia in both education and job opportunities. Finding out that the art and design scene is thriving in education indicates that there would be a need for creating jobs and employment options for design graduates. Also, the fact that the majority of art and design graduates are females supports the need for this research.

Seven interior design firms have been surveyed in order to document the current business operations of interior design firms in Saudi Arabia. The research is not just for the country's economic growth but also for the Saudi women self -dependency. Educated women regardless whether if their education was obtained locally of internationally should be confidant to apply and be part of the design scene. Experience and skill is vital because it is what firms look for when hiring designers.


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