Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Psychology: School Psychology

Committee Chair

W. J. Schneider


This dissertation reports results of analyses of an archival dataset created at a large Midwestern public university, where staff at the university's resource center for students with disabilities conduct neuropsychological evaluations of students suspected of psychological disabilities, learning disabilities, or both. To explore the relations among the variables, analyses included standardized cognitive and achievement test scores, psychological rating scales results, resource center service utilization, and seven to eight consecutive semesters of grade-point average information of approximately 1292 students evaluated from 2000 to 2012. Descriptions of the cognitive and achievement variables are provided for the largest demographic and diagnostic groups. Demographic groups include male, female, Caucasian, African American, Latino, and Asian/Indian students; diagnostic groups include attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - predominantly combined type (ADHD-C), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - predominantly inattentive type (ADHD-I), anxiety, depression, verbal learning disability (VLD), nonverbal learning disability (NVLD), foreign language learning difficulty (FLLD), and "No Diagnosis." Results of analyses indicated that 1) The model of latent cognitive abilities suggested by this sample's results largely matches, with minor variations, those of models proposed by researchers who have analyzed the standardization samples of the intelligence and achievement batteries used in this investigation, 2) Cognitive-achievement relations, as suggested by results obtained on two standardized tests of cognitive abilities and selected subtests of a standardized achievement test, generally match, with minor variations, results of past analyses of college students, and 3) A proposed model of the influence of disability services utilization on grade-point average slope was not supported by analyses using structural equation modeling. Latent growth curve analyses indicated, however, that students' grade point average slopes improved after neuropsychological evaluation.


Page Count


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Psychology Commons
