Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Psychology

Committee Chair

Dan Ispas

Committee Member

Alexandra Ilie


This study will examine the utility of Kuncel & Borneman's (2007) novel approach to faking detection using unusual item responses, after having addressed several limitations of their previous study. Their approach will be applied to a group of Romanian professionals that took a personality test (the NEO-PI-R) on two occasions 12-24 months apart. This within-subjects design using real job applicants will allow for evaluation of faking at real-world individual levels, as well as offer the ability to analyze Kuncel and Borneman's (2007) proposed technique with a prevalent selection tool that uses a more conventional five-option response set. Following the theory proposed by Griffith, Chmielowski, and Yoshita (2007), confidence intervals will be calculated and used to determine the faking behavior of the individuals in the study. The results from the Kuncel and Borneman (2007) technique will be compared to these confidence intervals to determine the efficacy of faking detection and rate of false positives at various cut-scores and selection rates.


Page Count


Included in

Psychology Commons
