Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Educational Administration and Foundations: Educational Administration

Committee Chair

John Rugutt


This study expands the research for the transition of student veterans utilizing the Post-9/11 G.I. Bill enacted in 2008. It presents a quantitative approach to study the relationship between first-time, full-time student veterans and their non-veteran student counterparts in the area of transition to college life and academic success in the first-year of college. Transition to college life is measured through variables that represent pre-entry attributes, skills gained or lost, and student involvement. The results of the study contribute to the efforts of campus professionals to coordinate services and direct resources in order to better serve and increase the academic success of this population. Using secondary data, the study examines financial stress, prior learning experience, psychological/physical health, skills gained or lost, and student involvement in relationship to academic success. Additionally, the study compares first-year student veterans with comparison groups: traditional first-year students, first-generation first-year students, and non-traditional first-year students. Finally, the study identifies what forms of student involvement work best for student veteran academic success and what pre-entry attribute or skill most influences academic success. The study also explores differences between student veterans from public/private institution types and commuter/residential status.


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