Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Geography-Geology: Hydrogeology

Committee Chair

Catherine M. O'Reilly


Increasing urbanization has consequences for surface water quality. Stormwater is a large component of urban water degradation that is poorly understood. Precipitation is quickly transported via underground pipes, from the land to the stream without following water's natural flow path. Studies have correlated detention ponds with improved water quality and impervious surface cover with degraded water quality. However, other physical characteristics within a storm sewer shed including the presence of sump pumps, area and pipe miles may also affect the stormwater quality. We chose 18 storm sewer systems in Bloomington, IL. We measured pH, temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, chloride, nitrate, phosphate, and total suspended solids Relationships and differences among the physical characteristics and water quality was determined using correlation and ANOVA analyses. We found that the presence of a pond significantly lowered total suspended solids and the greater the length of pipe the lower the concentration of nitrate. This research could contribute to how storm sewers are built and retrofitted in the future to decrease the water quality degradation from storm events.


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