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Graduation Term


Document Type

Dissertation-ISU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of English: English Studies

Committee Chair

Duriel E. Harris


Iffy the Crumbsnatcher is a collection of poems and creative writing that examines and embodies a genderqueer, sexually amorphous character called Iffy. Written in a formally experimental style, the poems explore how violence, trauma, and worldly experience merge to shape Iffy's worldview. The dissertation includes a critical preface that theorizes how anxiety about authentic identity and the abject combine to create a poetics of emergency evident in contemporary American avant-garde poetics. Finally, the dissertation concludes with considerations for teaching bulk-time poetry, using liberatory pedagogical strategies, tagmemics, chronotopic lamination, and cultural-historical activity theory as frames for reconsidering how poetry pedagogy can be revised as student-centric and multi-disciplinary.


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