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Graduation Term


Document Type

Dissertation-ISU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Psychology: School Psychology

Committee Chair

Renée M. Tobin


This dissertation examined the influence of engagement during two different editions of a social-emotional learning program, Second Step: A Violence Prevention Curriculum, on kindergarten students' observable behavior, social-emotional skills, and academic achievement. (Committee for Children, 2002; 2011). Childrenâ' level of behavioral engagement during weekly Second Step lessons was used to predict children's real-life change in positive and negative behaviors over time as well as relation to end-of-year academic achievement. A comparison of Second Step edition (3rd versus 4th) was also examined as a predictor of students behavior over time. Results revealed that children's positive behavior improved and negative behavior decreased over the course of the observation period. There was a main effect of engagement across observable behavior, social-emotional ratings, and academic outcomes. There was no evidence that engagement interacted with time to predict children's behavior. There also was no evidence of a main effect of edition on children's outcomes. Implications of results and future research directions are discussed.


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