Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


School of Teaching and Learning

Committee Chair

Miranda Lin


"American schools have in fact grown increasingly diverse as policies opened classroom doors to previously excluded populations" (Paine, 1989, p. 1). However, as student populations are increasing in diversity, the teaching staff is not (Gollnick & Chin, 2009). Therefore, this qualitative research study focused on five preschool teachers' (three certified head teachers and two assistant teachers) understanding of diversity between and among their students, as well as their implementation of multicultural curriculum. This study used teacher evaluation approaches, such as observation, feedback, and self-reflection, to understand teachers' implementation of multicultural curriculum, as defined by Banks (1993) and McIntosh (2000). The findings from this study add to the limited scholarship regarding multicultural implementation in preschool settings with the ever-changing student demographics, along with teacher evaluation methods during a time of increased accountability. The researcher found three themes after data analysis. The participants had a tendency to avoid conversations or interactions with students focused on multicultural topics, there was an uneven support system from the administration, and the participants had a lack of training and education on "how to do" and "what do say" in regards to multicultural education their preschool classrooms.


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