Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


School of Communication

Committee Chair

Lance Lippert


This paper looks at the effectiveness of the messages distributed by Anti-Human Trafficking Non-Profit Organizations, from the perspective of the individual Non-Profit Organizations themselves. Anti-Human Trafficking messages are disseminated to the public by non-profit organizations on a daily basis, but are constantly ignored. This paper tries to determine why. Research suggests that Non-Profit Organizations use either fear appeal or a call-to-action when creating and distributing their messages, and the goal of the study conducted was to determine the effectiveness of those messages from the perspectives of those who create the messages. Participants were individuals from Anti-Human Trafficking Non-Profit Organizations that have input or control in the creation and dispersal of messages. They were asked a series of questions to determine the effectiveness of the messages they have created. The aspects following the Elaboration Likelihood model that are specifically being analyzed will include: likelihood of future behavior, demographic information, the use of fear appeal and the use of a call to action.


Page Count


Included in

Communication Commons
