Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


School of Communication

Committee Chair

Caleb T. Carr

Committee Member

Steve K. Hunt


This master's thesis sought to extend social identification research further into social network sites by examine how online interactions may affect offline behaviors. In particular, this thesis argues that alumni who interact with their university or major via a social network site, should have an increased intention to donate back to their university or major. Despite a large body of research on both social identification and social network use, less research has combined the two in order to predict external behaviors. As such, data was collected from 277 undergraduate and graduate students at Illinois State University regarding their university and major social identification as well as their social network use. Data were analyzed using a t-test and multiple linear regressions. The findings from this research suggest that social network site use is a significant variable to increase an alumni's intent to donate. However, contrary to previous research, superordinate university social identification was a stronger predictor of intent to donate when compared to subordinate major social identification. The findings support the prediction that social network interaction plays a significant role in predicting an alumni's intent to donate to their university.


Page Count


Included in

Communication Commons
