Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Department of Special Education

Committee Chair

Craig Blum


Early childhood special educators face many challenges teaching young children with expressive language delays. One of those challenges is teaching parents effective strategies to address the expressive language delays in the home setting. The purpose of this multiple probe single-subject design study was to provide a systematic approach that included the use of mobile technology for parents to promote their child’s expressive language development. To accomplish this goal, a four-week intervention implementing the Joint Attention Mediated Learning-Focus on Verbal Expression with Technology (JAML-FVET) strategy across four families was conducted. The researcher provided the intervention while training the parent. Specifically, the parents learned how to capture their child's attention, so the child was focusing on the language-based activity with an app (Make a Scene). The goal was for the child to acquire and independently use the targeted words with intent in the home environment. The results of the study indicated a causal relationship of the parent-implemented Joint Attention Mediated Learning-Focus on Verbal Expression with Technology (JAML-FVET) intervention and the child’s acquisition of two new words.


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