Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


School of Art

Committee Chair

Judith Briggs


This thesis evaluates the process in which the Art Education teacher preparation program has evolved through the years to reflect the changes in pedagogy in the larger world of education. Illinois State University is regarded for its historical significance as a normal school. This thesis analyzes the successes and changes in the Art Education undergraduate and graduate sequence at Illinois State University from its founding to the current era. The program has undergone multiple modifications to provide attending students with current and informed teacher training. The unique ways in which Illinois State University provides such a service for students in their art education program is evaluated in this thesis by drawing on resources such as archived materials, interviews with past and present faculty, as well as survey data from alum students. The study is directed at those working to become licensed educators at Illinois State University and how the education preparation practices may influence art teacher candidate practices within art classrooms.


Page Count


Included in

Art Education Commons
