Graduation Term


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Department of Sociology and Anthropology: Archaeology

Committee Chair

James M. Skibo

Committee Member

Michael D. Wiant


Ogden-Fettie is a Middle Woodland Havana-Hopewell mound group in the Central Illinois Valley. Fv196 is the midden area near the largest mound. The function of Fv196 was in question, because it does not conform to the settlement and function models that have been applied to other sites. The ceramic collection from Fv196 was typed and categorized into categories based on perceived function, either habitation or ceremonial. The majority of the pottery belonged to the Havana series, which is traditionally considered habitation pottery; however, many of the Havana sherds were decorated indicating a ceremonial function. The highly decorated pots showed the Fv196 was the site of feasting rituals that were also related to mound construction. There was great variation in the decoration types at Ogden-Fettie. Many of the decorations seen on pottery from Fv196 are not present at other Havana-Hopewell site. The great diversity in decoration types showed Fv196 was a gathering location for disparate ceramic groups who brought uniquely decorated pottery for feasting.

A small portion of the ceramic assemblage was represented by sherds exhibiting traits of two types of pottery. Havana Fine pottery exhibits both Havana and Hopewell

traits. It is rare at Havana sites and apparently denotes the time before ceremonial Hopewell pottery was created. There were also sherds that had traits of Black Sand and Havana pottery which showed a blending of the Early Woodland culture and the Middle Woodland. The Havana Fine pottery in conjunction with the mixed trait Havana sherds shows Ogden-Fettie may be one of the first Havana sites.


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